I will post all of our news letters on the wall and here on the website, just in case your child didn't make it out the door with one, so always look in the waiting area or on the website.
We will be taking Recital Costume Deposits in the month of January. I will be taking 3 this year (January, February, and the balance will be in March).
The first payment of $25.00 will be due on January 25th
. The second payment of $25.00, will be due on February 20th. And the final payment will be due on March 28th.. Recital fees for the building cost will be taken in April. We are not sure of the cost, but I will let you know at a later date. I will try to be as economical as I can with costumes . For the last 2 years they have ran about $75.00 each. They may be a little more this year if the costs goes up. I try to find costume that we can be used different ways to help keep the cost down. Most dancers will have 2 costume and will dance in at least 3 dances this year. The babies will only have one costumes. The deposits will be $25.00 each with the balance being in April. Please keep a copy of this letter so you will know our dates for classes and deposits for our costumes.
Questions??? Ask me! I have the answers you will need. If I don't know yet know, I will let you know as soon as I know! If you ask another parent or teacher, you may not get the right answer, and this just leads to confusion! My phone number is 501-843-4968. Feel free to call me or text me if you have a problem or just need to know something. I surely will not mind to try and help in anyway possible. I love working with each child in our studio, each one is special to me. We are not all on the same level of abilities, but we all can work together, to achieve our goal. It does take a village!!
Thanks for letting me work with your children!